I've been wondering for a while if we can post movies here, but haven't ventured to try it yet. A few minutes ago, Tom Jackson came into my office with a CD of images--and a short movie clip--of his sailing adventure in Sweden last summer. Tom, recall, writes about this trip in the current issue of WoodenBoat in a story called Sailing into the Heart of the Country. It's about a raid--a multi-day race that skips from point to fantastic point in small open boats.
This clip shows the intrepid sailors entering Karlskrona on the penultimate day of the raid on Sweden's Blekinge Archipelago. Wind was blowing 25-30 knots on the quarter; boats are surfing, only six of the twenty seven contestants were allowed to sail that day. Tom's the guy in the blue and yellow striped lifejacket in the bright-hulled boat. His boat, Olivia, is a replica pilot boat built by Bjorje Axelsson in 1999; the original was built in 1914. Mats Dalberg made the movie--from another pilot boat sailing nearby. Have a look by clicking the file below. The download time is well worth the wait. (There's no sound. Our next experiment will include sound.)
I have a cable modem so the load time was not too bad. Using Firefox as my browser I just opened another tab and kept surfing while the movie loaded on the first tab. I would have preferred the image to have been larger.
Posted by: John F. Gearing | February 22, 2006 at 10:47 PM
Download worked good for me. It didn't take too long. I have cable download speed. I enjoyed the little movie and yes, sound would have made it better. Those Swedish pilot boots looked like they handled the weather very nicely.
Posted by: Frederick L. Roeser | March 05, 2006 at 10:44 AM
Download did not take too long for me. (less than 5 min) Sound would be great to complete the show. Keep the scenes comming.
Posted by: James Pettit | March 07, 2006 at 08:59 PM
Posted by: Diesel | October 08, 2007 at 03:37 PM