Richard Morris, in the comments on the Pop Quiz Winner, asks an important question: Why hasn't he yet received his copy of the May/June issue?
Although edited and designed here in Brooklin Maine, the magazine is printed in and mailed from Liberty, Missouri. All of the subscription copies (save for a few that aren't relevant to this discussion) left the printer on May 11 and entered the U.S. postal system. The U.S. Postal Service specifies a delivery window of three to twenty-one days. I'm told the Postal Service is currently updating their delivery protocols, automating what used to be handwork; during this transition phase, things may be running slowly and erratically (I've received more damaged mail than usual this week). There's good news, though: We're about to change our delivery protocols, too. A newly offered service will allow us to shorten that delivery window to just five to fourteen days. We're going to begin doing that with the next issue--though there will be occasional issues, like the one that includes our store catalog, that won't allow this.
Our apologies, Richard. E-mail me ([email protected]) if you don't see your magazine by Tuesday, May 2, and I'll personally mail one to you. And your point's well taken: No more pop quizzes while the issue is still in transit. But there might just be another quiz next week. So study.