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Dave Tew


I was at Hamilton Marine in Rockland today and finally saw a signed copy of your book. It was unwrapped (no cellophane, if they were supposed to be that way) so I thumbed through it. When I saw the photos of GYPSY, FAME and INDIAN I had to have it. All are favorites designs and I loved the captions you put together. I sailed on INDIAN when she was owned by the Lockwood family before being donated to the Herreshoff Museum. FAME is a sweetheart of a design, and I have a section of one of the GYPSY masts built by Bror Tamm, who was the sparmaker and so much more for Lawley's.

Thanks for the work you put into the book. I wish I'd had it with me last summer when my brother and I sailed from M'Head to Boston. I carried Bill Bunting's 'Portrait of a Port' on that cruise and your book would have been an equally fascinating companion piece.

Andrew Britt

In reviewing the Jackson Prints @ PEM - built by Britt Bros. in 1907, and looking in my files for details, Ifound that the power boat SHUR, in the 1920 Lloyds was owned by a Thomas W. Jackson out of Rochester, NY.
Is there any connection between Thomas W,
. and the Tom Jackson of WoodenBoat?

Tom  Jackson

Andrew, I'm sorry it has taken so long for you to get an answer to your question, but I don't come to the blog very often and just noticed it here. In answer: no, there's no connection, or at least none that I know of. My Jackson family ancestors, as far as I know, were in Pennsylvania and Virginia—none in New York. Thanks for your interest, though!

Christopher M. Eppers

I have an original W. B. Jackson photograph and am trying to acquire some information about the subject. It is I believe of the Sonders Classification, "SPOKANE" is the vessel, #2390...can anyone help?

Many thanks.

C. M. Eppers
Cape Cod, MA.

Duane Muzzy

I have a print of a B. B. Crowninshield design No. 425. Can you tell me, or refer me to someone who can tell me, what was the design called, and who, or what club was it designed for. Thanks, Duane Muzzy

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